
Friday, April 10, 2015

#ad GIVEAWAY & Review: Vita Advanced Probiotics

My Thoughts:

Disclosure: I was sent this product for free for the purpose of reviewing it on my blog, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was received.

I am not a medical professional at all, so my experience is just that, my experience but I wanted to share with you how I found this product to be very helpful to us this past cold and flu season. We are no stranger to taking probiotics in our home, but we don't always take them consistently. Often we take them as a reactive measure when someone gets sick or has a break out of eczema. When I was reviewing this Vita Advanced probiotic we started using it right after my daughter received a diagnosis of Influenza A and Strep. We did give her prescription antibiotics for the Strep, but we opted to treat the Influenza without the prescription for Tamiflu  and started giving her these probiotics. We started these probiotics on the very first day of the influenza and we were able to limit her fever and stomach upset to less than 12 hours (fyi, we didn't even get the antibiotics until 36 hours after the diagnosis and had already started probiotics). She was on the mend very quickly and was able to keep food down and keep up fluid intake. I do not hesitate to make sure we are taking our probiotics if we have sickness in our house, which is not common. We also make sure all of us are taking it at that time to help keep us from getting sick, which by the way no one else in our household did come down with either illness.

Product Description from Vita Advanced:

Our Probiotic may help you in the following ways

- Relieve digestive disorders
- Boost your immune system
- Improve your mood and feeling of well-being

Our Probiotic contains 7 essential probiotic strains and 10 billion good bacteria per daily serving at time of manufacture that promotes digestive health and supports immune system. You can be certain of its quality because it is made in USA and sourced from a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Facility.

A Healthy stomach and a strong immune system helps you to feel well and have more energy. Our Probiotic may help you to feel better than you have felt in a long time.

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I was sent the above product for the purpose of reviewing it on this blog. All thoughts, opinions and photographs belong to me. No monetary compensation was received. 


  1. This would be my first time using Probiotics my Dr had said to give them a try last time I saw him.

  2. I take tablet form, as often as I can remember.

  3. I haven't tried probiotics, but I'd love to see if they help in some way, like help me sleep better or something.

  4. I use probiotics daily I honestly think they help keep me all together more healthier!

  5. I have taken then before and didn't really notice of a difference. However, I did not take them for very long.

  6. I am currently taking probiotics. I don't notice that they actually do anything for me so I was going to stop taking them when this bottle is gone. I was hoping they would help with my heartburn but least not the kind I am taking now

  7. i take probiotics sometime si need a little help

  8. I had some that I was taking, but am out. I know that they are good for the body.

  9. I'm putting probiotics in my baby's bottle to help her belly issues.

  10. I just started using probiotics because I'm pregnant and my midwife strongly suggested it.

  11. I do try to take probiotics when I can afford them. They do help with my digestive issues.
