
Monday, June 20, 2016

Patriotic Ice Cream Sandwiches

So I wanted to quick mention before you get too far into reading about this, I did not use ice cream in these sandwiches. They are made with Cool Whip.

With that said, I totally went the easy way when making these and thought sugar cookie log from the grocery store. But if you want to make homemade old fashioned sugar cookie dough check out my sugar cookie dough recipe.

Bake your cookies as directed and put sprinkles on the top of the dough before you bake them and allow to completely cool before using. Put your Cool Whip in the refrigerator to thaw out so that you can scoop it out. While those things are happening, line a baking sheet with wax paper. I actually used a covered cake pan so that I could keep them stored in it. And pour sprinkles in a bowl.

When you cookies are cooled and Cool Whip is thawed, it is time to begin assembly. Place a generous scoop of Cool Whip in between two cookies and lightly press together. Then roll the sides of the exposed Cool Whip in the sprinkles. Place on your waxed baking pan. Place in the freezer and allow a minimum of 3 hours to freeze.

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