
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Where Did We Go Wednesday? Ringling Museum

The Ringling Museum was one of the fun destinations that I went with my girlfriends during a girls weekend to Sarasota Florida this past September.

The Mansion there was absolutely gorgeous and just amazing. It really made me want to go to the circus World Museum in Baraboo to learn more about the roots of the Ringling Brothers and see how they started out and how non extravagant their lives once wer

I took a lot more photos of things inside the Mansion but there is a whole complex of Museum memorabilia to do with circuses, the Ringling Circus in particular but also other circuses.

There is also a building that was filled with a variety of different circus train cars which is pretty interesting to see as well.

I feel happy that I was able to take in a small circus when I was young and that we were able to take my kids too a traveling circus that went to different indoor venues but wonder what it would have been like to experience a grand circus like the Ringling Brothers in its heyday.

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