
Monday, June 8, 2009

#1 Keep a Blog

It doesn't take too long to type up a blog post, especially if you had been thinking about what you wanted to type before you sit down at the computer.

I keep a blog for my daughter and for my pregnancy and this helps me keep our family & friends up to date on what is going on in our lives. I upload pictures all the time and it helps people to feel like they are watching my daughter grow up even if they live in another state.

It would cost me more money in postage, stationary, pens, & picture printing costs to keep people updated the "old-fashioned" way. Not to mention how much time it would take to write the same letter. 

Even though this isn't a "green" statement, but I have to wonder, does the travel costs/impact of that letter really matter. The postman is going to stop at my house every day regardless of if I send a letter or not and it will stop every day at the destination that I would be mailing to. And really, the whole system it follows in between those locations would happen anyways. Has there ever been a day where your postman didn't deliver something to your mailbox. Until companies stop sending out so much material, there will never be a day when my postman doesn't stop.

So, keep a blog. The short time you are using the energy from electricity to power your computer to keep in touch with many people will cost less than all the supplies & postage you need and you can share more information and pictures more often with more people.

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