
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

#135 Rose Petal Tutu

I bought the tulle for $2, I already owned the thread, elastic, ribbon, & flowers. Actually, the flowers you have seen previously on a Christmas present project and they were ones I got from a rummage sale.

To make this tutu I used 2 yards of tulle. I left the tulle folded in half and then folded over the top (unfinished edge) twice to make a waist through which to string the elastic through. The bottom edge was folded. I stitched a seam across the waist, strung elastic though, stitched ends of elastic to make a loop. Next I filled with what flower petals I had (I kinda wish I had more) and then stitched a seam on the inside of the skirt, sealing the to open ends. Then I stitched a ribbon on the back seam, allowing it to be tied around front.

I left the elastic wide enough so it would fit comfortably but have plenty of give for putting over other clothes (as she sometimes like to layer many outfits.)

We are giving her this as an Easter present. Now I just need to finish the other Easter presents for her & her brother.