
Sunday, August 15, 2010

#158 Cut Your Kids Hair Yourself

I honestly never thought I would cut my kids' hair, but financial necessity last year didn't offer much of a choice. This was the second time I cut my daughter's hair. This time I gave her a choice if she wanted me to cut her hair or to bring her to a salon (I had a coupon, of course). She wanted me to cut her hair. So, I decided to invest in a better size set of clips for segmenting hair which only cost me a dollar. And I have my own hair scissors & comb (which I bought in college, when I found it financially necessary to ask friends to cut my hair.)

There are plenty of videos on YouTube that illustrate how to cut your kids' hair.

I have to admit that it's a real simple cut. The tricky part is getting her to hold still and keep her head straight so I can cut is straight.

For my son, we are just trimming around his ears. Not sure I am ready cut his whole head as he moves around too much. But we'll see. Right now he likes to twirl the hair on the back of his head as a calming technique, so it would be prudent to buy some clippers at this point.

Anyways, how am I being green? Well, that is easy. I don't have to drive anywhere, so I am saving putting more carbon emissions in the atmosphere. And it's easy to see how I am saving money on the cost of a cut and tip (as well as gas money).

And it's good that I can trim up around my son's ears, because let's face it - boys & men need their haircut so much more often.

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