
Friday, December 2, 2011

Real Moms Love to Eat - Book Review

 Recently I was given the opportunity to review the book Real Moms Love To Eat by Beth Aldrich and was very excited to read this book because from the title it didn't sound like it was going to be a restrictive diet book. This book gives you a week by week plan of five things to do each week to gradually help you change the way you approach, cook and enjoy food. Beth takes the time to educate her readers on other food related topics that include choosing the pans, kitchen organization and storage, cooking meals in advance, eating out and shopping local and organic.

This book is not just a cookbook, although there are wonderful recipes throughout the entire book, it is a lifestyle book. Over the course of 10 weeks, you will be making gradual changes (like working up to eight glasses of water a day) and trying new ways of preparing your food and learning how to make the best food choices that you are spending your hard earned money on.

As a mom herself, she knows first hand our worries about getting enough healthy food in to our children and getting them to eat it without any complaints. Her recipes are kid-tested, mom-approved. She knows first hand that we don't have hours to spend preparing gourmet meals, but we still want our food to look like we spent as much time on it. She also has the same concerns that we do over toxins in the very things we cook and stores our food in and lays it all out for us with a simple plan. She is a Real Mom and she Loves to Eat and wants to share with everyone how you can too (and without the guilt.)

 You can pre-order this book on Amazon for 27% off. After you do, go to the Real Moms Love to Eat website and enter to win one of her weekly prizes. Here is a little note from the author if you are pre-ordering before December 20th (to give as a gift perhaps!):

"For anyone who pre-orders my book before December 20th, I will be sending the recipient of the book a signed 3 x 5" bookplate (postcard) and bookmark. Just contact me and let me know where to send it. For each bookmark that I send out, I will be donating one dollar to my local food bank. Real Moms Love to Eat and share."

Enjoy this newly released trailer about the book:

You can also find Real Moms Love to Eat on Facebook.

Disclosure: I was gifted from Restoring Essence Nutrition, LLC-owner of Real Moms Love to Eat, a free digital copy of the book, “Real Moms Love to Eat” and an entry into the prize drawing on January 3,2012, for participating in this virtual tour and writing about this book pre-order contest.

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