
Friday, February 10, 2012

"Green" Up Your Lighting Options

Learn how to "green" up your lighting and save money on your electric bill by reading my most recent post at Northern Cheapskate. It is filled with several tips and suggestions.

Also, don't forget about nightlights you have in your home! Instead of using a nightlight with a 9w bulb, switch to an LED nightlight. They are comprable in cost and the bulb will last a much longer time and it can be left on 24 hours a day and costs about 50-cents A YEAR! If you buy a nightlight with a built-in sensor and it's on for 10 hours or less a day it will cost less than 25 cents a year.

1 comment:

  1. We do this! When we built we also put LED rope lights under the edge of the bathroom cabinets, plugged into a switched outlet for a handy low light at night.
