
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Horizon Sponsored Contest & Upcoming Giveaway

Do you think you can Find Happy the Horizon Organic Cow? If you can, you just might WIN a trip to Jamaica.  

About “Find Happy”:
·         What it is: A tab on the Horizon Facebook page through which fans have a chance to win a trip to Jamaica by helping to locate Happy, the Horizon cow gracing all Horizon packaging.
·         Through the contest, fans are asked to answer daily questions about Horizon to help unlock a series of maps that will eventually zero in on Happy’s location. The first 50 people who correctly identify Happy’s location will be entered to win a trip to Jamaica – and there are opportunities for other prizes along the way too.
·         As you will see when you visit the page, the map has already zoomed in several levels – making now a great time for your readers to jump in and participate.

Come Back Here Next Week For a Giveaway to WIN Coupons for FREE Horizon Products, plus other items from Horizon!

In the meantime, please check out my other giveaways!

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