
Friday, April 27, 2012

Learning How To Make Pottery

 This top picture is just a sampling of the creations I made in my 7 week pottery class. I had always wanted how to learn to create pottery, and committing to writing a post to Get It Done was just the push I needed to enroll in a class and begin a new hobby. Please go read my post called "Hand Behind the Wheel" to read about my experience.
This bottom picture is a set of pottery a made using hand-building instead of the pottery wheel. I did join the Art Center so that I can continue my new hobby and I hope to take more classes and further my craft.


  1. Wow!I adore your blue pottery! This has almost been an interest of mine ,but I have never followed through...yet

    agaphmou at netzero dot net

  2. You've made some beautiful pieces. My left side doesn't work as well as my right anymore, but it would be interesting to see if it was possible to take a class in pottery. Not sure I could coordinate the wheel and my hands together to be as successful as you've been with what you've created. Thank you for sharing though.

  3. The pottery looks really great! I think it is great that you enjoyed your class and are keeping it up by joining the art center.

  4. The pottery looks really great! I think it is great that you enjoyed your class and are keeping it up by joining the art center.

  5. I would love to learn to make pottery, looks like so much fun. I really think the pottery you made is beautiful!

  6. I took a pottery class before and I loved it.
