
Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Thursday "Theme"

I like having a daily theme for M-F and try to post content and/or pictures for each day. I struggled with coming up for an idea for Thursday and then it hit me! Actually, at the same time I came up with two ideas.

Toddler Thursday (yes, I know there is such a thing as Toddler Tuesday but why not do something on Thursday too) - this post will feature simple things to do with your child in your home and community. You often see some of our field trips in my Wordless Wednesday post and you see some of our crafts in Try-It Tuesday posts, but what about the simple little things we often do. I would like to share those with you and give you some ideas of things to do as well.

Thrifty Thursday - I realized I only have another year before my toddler is a preschooler, plus often I may have something to post that does not have to do with my Toddler. I could very well see Toddler Tuesday morph in to Thrifty Thursday as my son gets older. Maybe I should just call it Thrifty Thursday to begin with. This will also be a good heading to put my introduction to by bi-monthly posts on Northern Cheapskate under.

What do you think?

I am starting to think Thrifty Thursday could fit both well and simplifies things.

Where do the giveaways & reviews fit? I also try to keep my postings for giveaway/review on Monday and Tuesday and reviews (only, no giveaway) on Thursday or Saturday. I know it drives traffic to the blog and I really love trying out new products, but I want people to come back for the content.

Some weeks/days I don't have content for every week day, but I try.  

Make-It Monday - a new recipe
Try-It Tuessday - a craft tutorial
Wordless Wednesday - pictures of our adventures & explorations
Thrifty Thursday - read above
Fix-It Friday - Playing Mrs. Fix-It Around Our Home/Yard/etc. and giving you the down low

Seriously, you don't know how much it was bothering me that I had this day with no theme. I like blogging and I devote a lot of time to it and want to have a good blog, even if I don't get paid to do it.

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