
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fun & Easy Skeleton Craft for Little Ones

I first did this craft with my kids. The three of us each made a skeleton to hang up. But this is a craft that I had out for our recent playgroup Halloween party. It is really quite a simple project.

I drew the skeleton face and cut it out and then cut q-tips in half. I made mine first so the kids could use mine as an example and they got to work. After the little bit of prep work I did, I just had to sit back & watch them create.


  1. That is so cute! Wish my little guy was big enough to do it this year (3 months is a bit young...) but I'm definitely going to remember this for future Halloweens!

  2. You know.. it never crossed my mind to do something like this with Q-tips. They're perfect for this project. I'll add that to the list for this year.
