
Sunday, October 14, 2012

National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day is Wednesday


Do you ever go to school to eat lunch with your child? If you don't, please consider it. There are many benefits to having lunch with your child but I think the best one is that you are going to be spending time with your child in an environment that they are without you on a daily basis. It is a wonderful way to get some face time with your child in our busy world and meet their friends and see exactly what the  lunch line, lunch food, and the lunchroom environment is like.

My husband and I try to each have lunch with my daughter once a month. She loves when we are able to do this and we are happy to be able to spend this little bit of her school day with her.

"National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day is a grassroots effort to bring families together with schools to share a meal and share ideas. The signature event takes place on October 17, 2012, during National School Lunch Week. It’s a day for parents across the country to visit their children’s schools and have lunch with them in the cafeteria. The goal is to learn more about what goes into putting together a healthy lunch, and for parents and school officials to open the lines of communication so they can work together to provide kids with the healthiest meals possible. The day is sponsored by KIWI, the School Nutrition Association, the Whole Kids Foundation, and Stonyfield."

I am lucky that my daughter's school welcomes parents to come have lunch with their child on any day. But some schools/parents may need this organized day to encourage this type of activity. This day can occur at day that week during National School Lunch Week. I am going to plan to have lunch with my daughter on Tuesday because our school has off Wednesday for school conferences.

There is a parent toolkit you can check out that will give you an idea of what school lunches are supposed to look like with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Our school has sent out information a couple times before & at the beginning of the school year to inform us of these changes, but I am aware that not all schools are making these healthy changes aware to their families.

Also in the parent toolkit are some sample questions you can ask to the Lunch Room staff to learn more about the program, as well as questions to ask your child about how they feel and enjoy school lunch (I definitely am going to use these questions to start a dialogue with my daughter.)

So? Who's Having School Lunch Next Week?

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