
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Review: CleanWell Natural Hand Sanitizer Wipes

I only has the chance to try this CleanWell wipe once, but am going to be on the lookout to buy these at a retail outlet, but it looks like I can buy it directly from them as well or from Amazon. Locally, it appears that I should be able to find it at GNC.

I appreciate that these wipes do not use alcohol, are safe for kids, have a light scent (but after reviewing their website it looks like they have a variety of other scents too) and were not tested on animals.

The active ingredient is Thymus Vulgaris Oil, which I have to admit I had never heard of before and am going to have to research a little to learn about it's sanitizing benefits, but there is also other inactive ingredients listed like aloe and lemon oil.

One of the reasons I appreciate it being alcohol free is that varieties with alcohol in it can be irritating to my children's skin who are prone to eczema in the winter, so being alcohol is a huge benefit.

For kids, adults, hands, and faces, CleanWell kills germs naturally and sensitively. And since CleanWell wipes contain no alcohol, they'll only make your hands softer, you'll never smell like the doctor's office, and your sensitive skin won't suffer.    

I was given one sample wipe to review from Influenster. The picture is my own, as well as any opinions expressed. I was not compensated for this post.           

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