
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Review: Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops

I was happy to be able to review Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops. Prior to this review I had not heard of them so I wasn't sure what "softish" meant, but now I understand and can tell you. The are not a hard cough drop, it is not a liquid, they are well....."softish". 

They are somewhat gummy like gummy bear, but not quite so easy to chew. You can suck on them; you can kinda chew them, but they won't be as easy to chew up as a gummy bear or a hard throat drop. 

Because of this gummy, softish consistency that they have, I was forced to suck on them and not chew on it. I admit, I am a chewer. I bite off and chew popsicles, lollipops, and hard candies and even throat drops if they have a pleasing flavor and the cherry ones definitely have a pleasing, candy-like flavor and not medicine-like as some other cherry flavored cough drops taste like.

The Natural Honey flavored throat drops taste just how you expect natural honey throat drops to taste. They do not have a medicine-like taste at all. So, if you enjoy honey, you will like this flavor.

I envision they will be throat drops that my kids will enjoy. I don't know a kid that likes the normal taste of medicine, which is why manufacturers have flavored every child medicine with flavors they enjoy.

Pine Bros. Throat Drops are for adults and children 3 and over. The active ingredient in them is Gylcerin which serves the purpose as being a oral demulcent.

Be sure to follow Pine Bros. via Facebook and Twitter. They have MANY GIVEAWAYS throughout the year.

Product is available nationwide at CVS Pharmacy.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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