
Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 Gifts of Christmas: Super Hero Mask

I decided to make a bunch of these since they are pretty quick to whip up. I wanted to give my son a couple choices on masks to go with his cape, plus I knew my daughter would need one. Then I decided this would make a cute gift for one of my son's friends and one for my nephew (I like to make a little something for my niece & nephew in addition to what I buy them.)

I needed a picture showing someone wearing one. This is the first one I made (for my son) and since these are all Christmas gifts, I couldn't very well have a picture of one of the kids in them when this is posting before Christmas.

Using the pattern template I have provided, just cut out 2 pieces of the mask.Join 2 pieces together and stitch around the mask around the eyes. Pin elastic in to place (colored elastic headbands that come in a 8 pack from the dollar store work great, just cut to make a single piece of elastic rather than a circle) and then stitch around the perimeter.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I have botched several masks for my son :/ Thank you!!
