
Monday, December 10, 2012

Make It Monday: Reindeer Noses

These are a fun & easy holiday treat! The hardest part is not eating too many Rolos while you unwrap them. Did you notice I made a bunch of Rudolph Noses and one "regular" reindeer nose - I was trying to be clever. :)

Rudolph Noses
Bag of Rolos
Circle Pretzels

Directions: A bag of Rolos has about 4 dozen Rolos in in, so you will not need a whole bag of pretzels or M&Ms, unless of course you want to buy more bags of Rolos.

Preheat an oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone liner. Assemble noses with Rolo inside a circle preztel. Bake for 3 minutes to slightly melt them.

Press an M&M in the top of melted Rolo. Allow to cool. Enjoy!