
Friday, April 12, 2013

Pottery Time: Pendant Earrings

I made these for myself (mine are pictured below as well) and for 2 friends of mine, who will actually be gifted with them today. The smaller pair are ones I made for my daughter because I knew she would think it was no fair that I didn't make her any.

Last year I had made bead earrings for my friends for our girls weekend and they were coordinating but not identical, which is what I did this year. But this year I stepped it up further and made pottery pendants  for them.

I had been uninspired to go back in to the pottery studio at the art center as I needed either a reason to create or a project idea. So, when I came up with this idea I couldn't want to get back in and get to work. This was such a fun way to combine to crafty areas of my life!


  1. These are really pretty; I like the colours you chose :) Home made jewellery is unique, unlike anything you get in the shops.

  2. I wish I was crafty enough to be able to do this.
