
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Review: Eclipse Sun Sleeves

I was so excited when I found out I was being sent a pair of Eclipse Sun Sleeves for free to review them on my blog. Sleeves were not even on my radar as a product I needed for outdoors sports until I started training for my first half marathon. It was then that I noticed on my my running partners would wear them as a layer.

We were training in the winter and spring and she wore them as a layer when her jacket became too warm but still needed another a layer on her arms after taking off her jacket in the winter. Then in the spring it was the only layer that she had on her arms that she wore for some protection from the wind and sun and then could easily remove them and tuck in her pockets if she wanted. I admit, I was jealous. It is a brilliant idea and I saw so many people wearing them, including the 2 friends I was running that half marathon with. It was the product I didn't know that I always wanted.

Eclipse Sun Sleeves are not a one-size fits all product, like so many other sleeves are. And why should they be? We don't all have the same size arms and hands. If my husband wore a one-size sleeve and then I did, it would probably be stretched out, not to mention it would probably cut off his circulation at the top of his arm. I was able to choose the correct size I needed that is fitted to my body and fits over my hand. Speaking of hands, I love that there is a thumb hole to use and then your sleeves cover over your wrists and part of your hands. As someone with long arms, having your wrists exposed is annoying, so I love that it has the feature that keeps the sleeve in place over your hand.

I was also able to choose the color I wanted. I chose aqua because I was trying to match it to much of my biking gear. In the pictures I am wearing one of my biking tops and my biking jacket is a simialr jacket as well. My road bike is white but has a teal-aqua detailing. I am not sure it matters at all to y performance but I feel better when my clothes looked somewhat coordinated and if I feel better, I have to believe I will perform better.

They are easy to put on and off and are made of a dri-fit material that keeps your skin cool in the summer and warmer in the winter and wicks away sweat from your skin, in addition to being a SPF 50 material and offering your skin protection from the sun without added bulk or weight.

I also really like that they are a Made in the USA product and is machine washable. As a busy mom I don't have time for dry-clean or handwash products and when you sweat in something you are washing it often, so who wants to the hassles of anything that can't be machine washed.

I also love how long they are, which is part of the sizing feature, I can pull them all the way up under my shirt sleeve so that I don't have any skin exposed between my sleeve of my shirt and the Eclipse Sun Sleeve.

You can buy Eclipse Sun Sleeves on their website or on

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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