
Friday, September 27, 2013

Fitness Friday: How Long Do Running Shoes Last?

So, do you know how often you should change out your running shoes? It is more often than a lot of people do. I cringe when I hear that someone has been running in the same pair for longer than a year, or even worse when they say YEARS. Eeeek! Shoes get worn out that are used that much!

These are my new kicks for training and my next big race. Avid runners, those that run about 3-5 miles a day four times a week, will want to replace their shoes about every 6 months. The general guidelines is to replace your tennis shoes every 300-500 miles, so you can adjust how often you replace based on how much you run.

This is my third pair of the same shoe, just different styles as they have new styles that year. A dear friend of mine who is quite an accomplished athlete (IMHO) gave me the advice that if you find a pair of shoes that fit you (go in and get fitted at a running shoe store), just keep ordering them so you don't have to go in for another fitting and you can find last season's style online for cheaper. So, that is exactly what I do and will continue to do as long as they keep making them and they keep fitting my feet properly. I wear the Adidas Adizero Tempo.

All of my last running shoes have been white with colored trim, so I am happy to have some bright ones. Although, I think I want to swap out the blue laces for some pink ones.


  1. Useful post; worn out running shoes can cause injuries. I have heard that you should replace running shoes every 300-400 miles. For me that's about 8 months.I do exactly what you are suggesting; I like Asics Gel 1160 and always get thst or the equivalent online, in last season's colours to save money. By next year I should be able to get coloured rsther than white or black :)

  2. Don't forget, you can hand down your old running shoes to your mother for the barn. Since I don't generally do any running, they would be good for me for a season.

  3. I do save them for my mother :) But when I have done the mud runs I need a pair that can just go away. Don't worry, I have some barn shoes for you though. I just have to remember to bring them when I visit next or you visit here.

  4. I would think that most people would feel that it's time for new shoes, right? I have a system each year - when I get a new pair of running shoes, my old pair becomes my 'hiking' set (and they get really mucky).

  5. I didn't know that you have to replace your running shoes that often! In fact, the current one is a year old!Please don't hit me :( This is quite useful info. Thanks so much!

  6. Yeah! This means I have an excuse to buy new shoes! Mine are years old and did not have many miles on them, but now that I run about 10 miles per week or more...I definitely need to upgrade. Thanks for the post!

  7. I am horrible at replacing my shoes. My last pair must have had about 8,000 miles on them and were horrendous. I am actually dealing with an awful hip flexor issue that was probably made worse by my shoes.Need to drag my butt down to the Running Room.

  8. I'm really bad about replacing my running shoes! I know I'm supposed to, but just don't spend the money to do it. Thanks for the reminder!
