
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Review: QSpeed CoQ10

 I have finished using all of the QSpeed CoQ10 fast melt tablets and have shared all of the samples and brochures they have sent me with friends and have been pleased with the product. I have to admit that before getting my sample to review and the literature to read, I had no idea what CoQ10 was or did , but I was drawn to the packaging that said "Low on Energy" "CoQ10 plays a vital role in your body's natural energy production" and thought it would be good to learn a little more about CoQ10 and try out the product.

Now, while I can honestly say I don't completely understand how or what CoQ10 does, I can share with you what I do understand is that CoQ10 is naturally occurring in nearly every cell in our body and our liver produces much of the CoQ10 our body needs, but a portion needs to come from dietary sources. As we age though, CoQ10 levels can decrease and decreased levels of CoQ10 have also been found in many people with chronic diseases and conditions. You can increase your CoQ10 levels through food or supplementation.

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, so I am not making any health claims in regards to this product. What I do know is that the fast melt tablets did dissolve in my mouth very quickly and had a pleasing citrus flavor.

DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, take 1-3 tablets daily. If taking in conjunction with exercise, consume 1-2 tablets 20-40 minutes before initial exertion. Place QSpeed® tablets on the top of your tongue and allow it to dissolve while lightly pressing the tongue against the roof of your mouth. The tablet will disintegrate.

I chose to take Qspeed CoQ10 before I would go on any training runs that were 6 miles or longer. I know that for me when my training runs get longer than 6 miles I start to feel low on energy after that 6th mile and since I am in half marathon training mode right now (9 miles to run today!), I can't be low on energy.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend 
products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I've never heard of CoQ10. I may have to look into this.

  2. I took CoQ10 when I was taking supplements to balance out the effects of PCOS. The cocktail I took was helpful. :)

    Congratulations on training for your half marathon! Good luck and let us know how you kick butt.

  3. Never heard about the product but I enjoyed reading your review. Will definitely do more research on this for sure. Thanks!!!
