
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Try It Tuesday: American Girl Glass Magnets

If you have an American Girl fan in your family, you know just how much the dolls, clothes and accessories all cost. There are even American Girl craft kits, that are not exactly cheap either. But you know what is free? The American Girl catalogs they send you! And that is exactly what we used to make these magnets.

Supplies Needed:
* American Girl Catalog (or any other type of catalog or magazine you want to cut pictures out of)
* Clear Glass Pebbles (Available at Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, and craft stores)
* Heavy Duty Adhesive
* Magnets

Cut out the picture you want to use to the size of the glass stone. The stone will have a flat side and a rounded side. Apply adhesive to the flat side and press your picture on top (image facing the pebble so that you can see it through the rounded front). You can then put more adhesive on the back picture right away and press a magnet on top. Allow to dry for 24 hours before using. Quick & Simple!


  1. Very cute! I loved the American Girl's! I have a Kit doll. :)

  2. That's so creative and cute! We'd have to do Elmo magnets here since I have Sesame Street crazed children.

  3. Oh man my girls would love this! They will definitely be drawn towards the Disney princesses and I know they would appreciate them :)

    Which means I probably shouldn't depend on them lasting very long on our fridge ;)
