
Monday, October 21, 2013

Video Review: Glasstic Water Bottle

I did take a couple picture of the Glasstic Water Bottle to show you, but I thought this review would be best done as a video review because there were so many features it was easier to show you in a video than taking pictures and having to read. I received the pink water bottle to review, but there are several other colors to choose from as well as some patterns. Right now the prices range from $14.99-$16.99 (most are $14.99) on Amazon, but you can get 15% off using the coupon code below. They also have FREE prime shipping (I love having prime shipping!)

All my readers can get a discount on their purchase of a Glasstic Water Bottle from Amazon

Please use Amazon Coupon Code: 9GE47TZC

My Thoughts:

I have had the Glasstic Water Bottle for about a week now to review and I really like it. I used refillable water bottles constantly. They are pretty much a necessity when I am working out 5-6 days a week, but it's not only there that I use them. I always take along a filled water bottle with us in the car no matter where we go and have one sitting on the table next to my chair when I am watching TV or on the computer.

I think the look is attractive in a simplistic sense, but there is also some pattern choices if you like that too. It is a little heavier than my BPA-free plastic water bottles, but I only use it to have next to me when I need it. However, it is designed to be carried comfortably for a 2 mile walk. I really like that it does have a lock on it. No one wants there water to spill open, especially when you are carrying it on it's side in your gym bag.

I like that is is glass, for several reasons! Glass seems to clean better in my dishwasher than my plastic bottles, which sometimes I find residue from cleaning sticks to and I have to rinse out. I did not have have to give this glass bottle an additional rinse. Glass also cleans free of smells more easily than plastic in my opinion and my water tastes fresher longer.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I've been in the market for a new water bottle. Is it kid-proof?

  2. This is NICE! and its pink, I LOVE it!!!

  3. I've never heard of these! they look neat! Great review.

  4. Love it! I like glass better for everything. Taste is just better quality IMO.

  5. This looks like a great water bottle - I've been meaning to get a new one!

  6. I don't have that brand, but I love my glass water bottle.

  7. I have tried other glass bottles but LOVE Glasstic because it works so well, is easy to clean, everything tastes great in glass and if anything happens and it does accidentally break, the mess is contained inside the outer shell. This has saved me once already earlier this year and Glasstic quickly replaced the glass insert with no questions asked! They are serious about helping move away from single-use water bottles.

  8. It does have a lock on it to make it kind of kid proof!

  9. I like drinking out of glass, but I have not found any glass take along bottles as of yet. I do use old Sobe bottles at home for my water, though.

  10. I'm adding this to my Christmas wish list. I love it!!

  11. I love how glass keeps my water cooler longer... And it looks like the double-walled feature of these bottles will insulate even better. Thanks for posting such an informative video!

  12. I've always wanted to try these out but haven't. I haven't found a water bottle that I love yet...maybe it will be this one :)

  13. I have a different glass bottle that I love but it would be fun to try this one out and have another one to share with others in my family. I prefer glass to plastic but they aren't cheap so this would be great to win.

  14. I am the type of person who likes carrying a water bottle everywhere I go. :) This would be perfect for me! :)

  15. I love that these are glass instead of plastic! Easier to clean and no chemicals!

  16. These look awesome! Love your socks :)

  17. Ok first, those sock...rock!

    This would be perfect for adding essential oils to water! I need one of these!

  18. Glass on the inside and plastic on the outside. Genius! I can't believe someone didn't think of this sooner.

  19. Would love one of these! Definitely need a new water bottle!

  20. A glass like this is like no other in the world we live. And for that reason; I would use it instead of give! It will surely only be a dream as I would put it to a great use every day! And I hope upon hope to be selected for my first win so I'll pray!

  21. Would love to give this a try, my water bottle has seen way to many hikes!

  22. I love these beautiful bottles. They sound great.
