
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Little Black Dress Affair - Vintage Flair

This was a ladies' fundraiser event that was formal. It is an annual event and each year they pick a different kind of flair to dress up with. This year it was vintage. Each year there is also a different organization that benefits from funds raised. This year those organizations were the Steele County Clothesline and I.R.I.S (Infants Remembered In Silence). These are pictures of myself with friends (we had a group of us and got our own table) at the event. Super fun time! Next year's event is on November 22nd and the flair is Purple. I didn't remember hearing who it would benefit. They had a photo opp area with props! Of course, we did partake in that.


  1. Love the pic of you guys with the officer :)

  2. Looks like a lot of fun, I had no idea they were raising money for IRIS!!

  3. fun! these are great photos! you all look beautimous!

  4. What a fun event! Looks like you had a great night.

  5. We are a puuuurty group of women!
    Nicole - I like how my legs look in the officer picture!

  6. Oh My Gosh-- you all are so beautiful-- and gosh you must had had a great time--wonderful Pix thanks for sharing

  7. Looks like you girls had a lot of fun! I love the dresses... any reason to dress up is great, in my opinion, and the fact that it's for charity....even better!

  8. Your photos look like you all had a blast! What fun!

  9. You all looked like you had fun! I would have loved to be in that event!
