
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Kids Learn About Trip to FL

We just told the kids we are taking them to Florida to Walt Disney World and the Beach. I tried to tell them in clever ways and here is the results.

My daughter reading her Mad Libs, not quite so exciting to watch, it doesn't really hit her that this wasn't just a fun Mad Libs until later, as you will see in my son's video.

Allow some time to pass where my son ssssslllllooooowwwwwllllyyyyy paints but forgets it's a secret message  he is uncovering and thinks he just gets to paint a picture and then throws a tantrum because I tried to help him paint faster and then we get to this......

Obviously, it has sunk in for my daughter at this point. LOL! Crazy girl!


  1. Very clever way to get them involved in the trip - and excited at the same time. Hope you are going sooner than later (I see you are in Minnesota so I'm sure some Florida sun will be a treat for the whole family!).
    Will look forward to seeing pictures after the trip.

  2. Love when you share good surprises in clever ways! So FUN!

  3. OMG! That's soooo cute!!! Have fun on your Disney trip!:) Amazing! :)

  4. Have such a wonderful time on your trip! They are going to have a blast!

  5. How fun! I bet it will turn out to be an amazing trip

  6. How adorable!! I hope you have a memorable memory with the kids.

  7. That's so adorable! They are going to have so much fun :)
