
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Boogie Wipes For Holidays and Events

Boogie Wipes Samples are good for all kinds of occasions! These are some of the occasions that we have passed them out -- On Valentine's Day, Classroom Halloween Parties, Trick or Treating and Birthday Parties.

I have Fresh Faces samples as well!!! I think I may bring those to one of the gyms I workout at. I did give a huge canister of Boogie Wipes to the childcare at a different gym and am in search of a local daycare that wants some Boogie Wipes too! I am a Saline Ambassador, so I am your go-to person for Boogie Wipes and Fresh Faces samples and coupons!


  1. I hope you can send samples for my Mom's Day Care center- but anyways I hope you continue being a good ambassador of such product. Good Luck

  2. We love boogies. cant do without them when my daughter is sick.

    michelle f.

  3. How generous of you to share this to others. I think these are great items for the kids.

  4. Congrats on being a Brand Ambassador! :)

  5. We love Boogie Wipes in our house!!
