
Monday, February 3, 2014

Make It Monday: Clean Eating Chocolate Quinoa Pudding

Clean Eating Chocolate Quinoa Pudding

1 C quinoa
2 C unsweetened plain no-dairy milk
2 bananas
3 T baking cocoa
2 tsp cinnamon
3 T agave syrup
1/4 tsp almond extract


  • Cook quinoa and milk in a rice cooker, make sure it is vented (or watch) to prevent boiling over.
  • In a blender, combine together baking cocoa, bananas, cinnamon, syrup, and extract.
  • When qunioa has finished cooking, mix chocolate banana mixture in to the dish.
  • Serve warm topped with whipped cream.
  • Enjoy!


  1. That looks like a delicious and nutritious dessert! I think I would have it for breakfast :)

  2. The first day I made it it was dessert, but then there was leftovers and then that became breakfast!

  3. That sounds so good! And so healthy! I love quinoa!

  4. This sounds so yummy, I've been looking for healthy/clean recipes. I'm trying to force myself to start eating better :)

  5. BEST thing 'bout this recipe - it's basic enough that even with the food challenges I have - it's STILL gonna be delicious!

  6. That looks delicious and so healthy.

    Michelle F.

  7. This sounds great! And easy too. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I've never had quinoa or agave before but we are trying to eat clean these days and anything chocolate is sure to be a hit in our house. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Looks really good, going to save this.

  10. Definitely one to try!

  11. I really need to start buying quinoa, I keep seeing awesome recipes that call for it. Yours looks great. Pinned it.

  12. Looks yummy! And it's so easy to make! :)

  13. I want to know what quinoa is and I will give this a try. it is so easy to make.

  14. I have some quinoa I bought for a recipe that we didn't care for, been meaning to find some recipes to try using quiona- I think I'll have to try this one!

  15. I've never tried quinoa but I'm very curious! I'd love to try this, thanks for sharing!

  16. I will be trying this! We like quinoa, but I've never tried it as a dessert!

  17. Yum, yum. Chocolate pudding is one of my all time fave comfort foods. I love that this one is also nourishing.

  18. What a delightful way to benefit from nutrient-rich quinoa as well as a great excuse to eat more chocolate! I love this recipe! I might try topping my quinoa pudding with a dollop of cashew cream. It's such a pleasure to explore your blog.
    Thank you so much for sharing this delicious recipe on the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Blog Hop! I appreciate it!
    All the best, Deborah
