
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Try It Tuesday: Dot Marker Popsicle Stick Math

This project was fun to do with my son. I took a bunch of large popsicle sticks and numbered them and let him make dots on them. You can fit up to 10 dots on one if you make the dots close together. This exercise was good practice with counting, but then we took it a step further and I made +, - and = signs on some more and we started to practice some math and then he had to look for the corresponding answer to the problem I set up for him. This was a lot of a fun and a different way to do preschool at home.

Be sure to also check out my post called Five Spring Dot Marker Art Projects to get some other ideas!


  1. Oh my gosh, what a great idea! This is super clever! My kids would totally love this!

  2. This is a fantastic idea! Will definitely be using this here!

  3. What a very cool idea this is :-) Having fun and learning always the best combo for the kids :-)

  4. Love this idea to do with my kids!

  5. What an awesome idea! My son is a little older but he could use these with his time tables. I'm going for it!
