
Friday, May 9, 2014

Review: Adovia Dead Sea Mud Shampoo

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I was very curious to find out what exactly Dead Sea Mud Shampoo from Adovia would feel like. The name just sounds like something you would read on a spa menu and since I don't have the time or money for spa treatments very often, I am always very excited to find things that I can do at home and pay a fraction of the cost.

The shampoo is nice and thick and has the perfect amount of later, not too much and not too little (see the picture below). The color is a dark shimmery grey which is what I would expect from something that contains dead sea mud yet is a salon quality shampoo. I have read the reviews about helping with psoriasis and luckily I do not have that issue so I cannot speak to those claims, but check out the reviews on Amazon if you want to see what others have to say about it.

I found that the shampoo cleaned my hair nicely and only had a light scent. The lather it created felt good as I massaged it in to my scalp and you could tell that it was a nice quality.. I have a feeling I will appreciate this shampoo even more when we are back in summer mode and my hair is exposed to a lot of sun and chlorine, since this shampoo is supposed to be good for dry and itchy scalps.

I did look over the ingredients and was happy to see that Dead Sea water was listed second and Dead Sea Mud was among the top of the ingredient list. Other ingredients on the list are vitamin E, chamomile, olive oil, and shea butter, which are all things I think of when I think of a pampering shampoo.

You can buy Adovia Dead Sea Mud Shampoo on Amazon.

Product Description from Adovia:

Adovia's Dead Sea Mud Shampoo is specially formulated with natural ingredients such as Dead Sea Mud, Chamomile & Olive Oil to bring deep hydration and moisture to the scalp, relieving itching and flakiness. Dead Sea Mud has been known for centuries for it's healing properties and people travel from all over the world to come and experience it's effects at the Dead Sea. Dead Sea Salts and Mud have been featured on CNN, in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Dead Sea Mud contains the highest concentration of minerals found in mud anywhere in the world. Finally the benefits of Dead Sea mud and salt are presented to you in shampoo form! These minerals are all essential for proper skin function and help to regulate moisture retention as well as hydration. You complete satisfaction is guaranteed.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. cool product! thanks for sharing this one.

  2. That sounds amazing! I may need to try this!

  3. This just sounds neat! I'd love to pamper my hair without having to visit a fancy spa.

  4. I LOVE the way this shampoo smells it's amazing.

  5. You sold me with olive oil as an ingredient. That stuff works miracles on hair in the most smallest of quantities. I'd try this!

  6. This didn't sound very appealing to me...mud in my hair, but hey, I'd be willing to give it a try. My hair is so fine, it needs all the help it can get.

  7. I think I would really love a shampoo like this!

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