
Monday, June 9, 2014

Make It Monday: Cardamom Almond Coffee Creamer

When I was in Little Rock with my friends, we sampled this delightful iced cardamom coffee that I just had to re-create. I also thought that while I was figuring that out, I would make it a clean eating coffee creamer because frankly, most creamers out there have processed sugar and hydrogenated oils in them. I have been able to break myself from the creamer need, but this is so tasty and not filled with junk that I don't mind.

Cardamom Almond Coffee Creamer
1 1/2 C Half and Half
1/4 C raw sugar
1 tsp cardamom powder (or seeds from 5 cardamom pods, crushed)
1/2 tsp pure almond extract


  • Mix together half and half with raw sugar in a small saucepan
  • Whisk in cardamom and extract while cooking over medium-low heat
  • Continue whisking periodically (to avoid cooking to the bottom) while mixture cooks and is steaming and frothy (about 15 minutes)
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool
  • Store in the fridge in an airtight container


  1. This looks so nice-I might try using almond cream instead of dairy... thanks for sharing. Clean eating versions of yummy stuff are always the best!

  2. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Iced coffee is perfect for the summer weather!

  3. Thanks for this recipe, I'm excited to give it a try. I love iced coffee in the summer.

  4. I have no idea what cardamom lost!

  5. this would be good to try. Thank you for sharing it!

  6. We love almond that sounds so good, I know the hubby would love it!

  7. I hear almond creamers are good, but i am not a big fan.. Thanks for sharing this...

  8. I'm not really much of a coffee drinker, but the few times I do drink it, it has to b flavored. This is one I will have to try.

  9. I don't drink caffeine, but guess what? Today I made the chow-main and it was amazing. Wow... my family loved it. Thank you!

  10. This sound really good and I never though of making my own creamer. Thanks for sharing.
