
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Try It Tuesday: 4 Summer Goals Printables

I decided to take a different approach to our summer goals, ambitions ans desires this year. In years past, I have made and shared with my readers my lists of 100 Things To Do this Summer and 102 Things To Do This Summer. And while I think they are awesome lists, I don't like not checking off everything. I'm just one of those people that like to check everything off my list. And each year we would get close with crossing off around 80.

So, this year I thought I would try something different and make a goal list for each member of our family. That way it is not just me saying what is important for us to do this summer, but everyone has their say in what they want to do. Sure, I have my kids scheduled for camps and classes, but I know there are field trips they want to do or craft projects they want to make that might not be on my mind.

Plus it's fun to see what things they find interesting or want to learn more about or maybe it is something we did before and they really want to do it again this summer. Or perhaps there is something not on my radar that they really want to accomplish and I can try to help them make that happen. Whatever it is, it gets them thinking about their wants and desires rather than some list I made up. My kids have some really great ideas and I can't wait to see all of them.

I challenge you to ask your kids what they want to do this summer. When I brought this up to my kids that we were going to make our own lists, they got super excited. One put on their list that they want to build a robot (who knew?!?!) and the other wants to make a volcano. I need to think of my list....what does MOM want to do this summer?

What will be at the top of your list?


  1. We just made our summer bucket list to keep the kids active until school goes back so these printables will work perfectly :) Thanks for the post.

  2. Lovely designs! Too bad summer's almost over in our country.

  3. Those are some great printables. It helps me to write down my goals.

    Michelle F.

  4. Great idea to have a different list for each member of the family!

  5. maybe my summer goal should be to set goals.... :D

  6. this is a great idea. I would never have thought to do this. love the print outs. thanks for sharing.

  7. Great idea. All the list were so groovy. I would have love this so much when I was a kid. I like it now!

  8. These print outs are really nice. My daughters are publishing a book so most of what we will do this summer is related to book signings and parties with girls their age to celebrate (and sell) the book. We are going to SeaWorld and they are going to Theater camp. That's about it! LOL

  9. Thank you for this, My son and daughter will have it printed.. There been busy listing those activities for summer :D

  10. They are soo pretty! I like all the varied designs and will print for each one in our room. It's handy whenever an idea pops up I can write down immediately.

  11. I am writing down goals for my weight loss journey and putting it on the fridge! I love these! They would look way better than the post note or white paper!

  12. This a an awesome idea. I love this. Thanks for sharing it.

  13. I love making summer lists and checking everything off your list definitely gives a sense of accomplishment!

    Our family is really looking forward to camping. It's always great fun!
