
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review: Ultimate Dino Dig

I was so excited to be able to share with my son that we were going to be reviewing Ultimate Dino Dig. We have done a couple of other dino digs type activities before, but this one is different. This one has 3 REAL DINO FOSSILS! My son has been saying for almost a year now that he wants to be a paleoentologist and so we have been fueling that interest by taking him to see dinosaur exhibits at both the Science Museum of Minnesota and Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in the past few weeks and just yesterday, we did our own dino dig with the Ultimate Dino Dig Kit.

Please watch the video below as I tell you all about the product there and show you everything included, plus you get to see both my kids at work on it. My daughter wanted to participate as well because she thought digging for real fossils is pretty cool!

The pictures above and below both show the real fossils that were in our Ultimate Dino Dig Kit, including poop, bone and a tooth.

My son was very gracious and was willing to let his sister participate in the digging and even keep half of the contents. My son is such a little boy, so his main concern was that he get the fossilized poop and let his sister have the bone and tooth.

Also in the dig are 19 plastic pieces to put together a T-Rex model, which is the other piece my son wanted. You can see from the picture above that he make it look like his little T-Rex model took a great big dino poop. LOL!

Here is the entire contents of the Ultimate Dino Dig kit spread out. Now that the dig has been done we will be reading the guide book (over & over I am sure!) and doing the activity book as well.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. This is a really great activity for my nephew to do. He would love this activity kit to explore dinosaurs. I will have to take a look at it.

  2. I saw this on pinterest and found this link for it. I am going to get this for my kids. Love the video, looks like they really enjoyed it.
