
Friday, November 14, 2014

GIVEAWAY and Review: Soothie Suckers

Soothie Suckers taste great! As I type up this post I am enjoying a grape Nasal Support Soothie Sucker. I am feeling a bit under the weather with a virus that already went through our family earlier in the week and is finishing up with me. Why should my kids only get to have a little bit of this deliciousness when they are sick, I want some too. I did have the Orange Immune Support Soothie Sucker earlier today and I am hoping the herbal benefits of Echinacea and Astragulus help me recover quickly. I totally should have been enjoying these while my kids were sick to help boost my immune system, but I thought it was going to pass by me. It didn't.

I have mine in the freezer, but you can serve them liquid if someone doesn't like cold things. I did find it to be very soothing to enjoy this frozen dietary supplement. I hope we don't have to use them often this winter, but I am glad we have them already on hand if we do need them. Sometimes when kids get sick the don't want to consume anything but we really need to keep them hydrated and my kids have always responded well to having a freezer pop when they are sick, but they are made not made with all ingredients I want to give them, but Soothie Suckers are.

You can BUY SOOTHIE SUCKERS on their website!

Product Description from Soothie Suckers:

Soothie Suckers are the Cool Way to Feel Good!
The only all-natural herbal supplement ice pop.
Available in two formulations: Immune Support (orange flavor) and Nasal Support (grape flavor)
Can be frozen and enjoyed as an ice pop or consumed as a liquid
Pre-measured 1 oz. pouches - portable for flights, trips and everyday activities
Contains certified organic or wild-crafted herbal extracts
Delicious, all-natural fruit flavors
No artificial flavors, no high fructose corn syrup and no alcohol
Created for kids and loved by adults!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I'm trying to incorporate more healthy, natural options into my households diet.

  2. Sick time is coming up soon and these would be great for sore throats!

  3. These would be great for when my daughter gets sick

  4. These would be a great way to help my son when he is sick.

  5. I would like to try these on my kids. They look like it will help them now that it's sick time. Thank you for the giveaway.

  6. I'd love to have these around for my kids during cold and flu season. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  7. I'd love to try these because they're all natural and great for kids!

  8. Love that these are all natural! These would be great for when my little monkey is sick and doesn't feel like eating much.

  9. i like that htey are all naturalas well

  10. I am most interested to try them just to see how they work and taste. If they work we will keep them in the freezer forever!

  11. a natural way to get a boost and to try new things

  12. We are trying to use more all natural products and less involving chemicals. ALso - I think my kids would like these.

  13. I would love to try them for my son because they contain certified organic or wild-crafted herbal extracts!
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  14. I'd like to try these with my kids, especially my son who gets really sore throats all the time.

  15. I'd love to try these for my daughter. What better thing to brighten up your day than being handed a Soothie Sucker when you don't feel well. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!
