
Friday, November 14, 2014

My First Triathalon Re-Cap

A triathalon has been on my bucket list for the last couple years after I have learned about about an indoor one that based on points that you earn for the distance you complete over a set time.

I admit that my hesitancy for so long was because I of my lack of confidence in my swimming abilities and afraid that I would tire quickly and run out of breath and not get the breathing correctly. My kids are swimmers on swim team, but I never lapped swim and completing 6 levels of Red Cross when I was 2 and a half decades younger was about all the training I have had.

After talking to a few people that have done triathalons I realized it was perfectly ok to do the stroke I felt the most comfortable with (side stroke because then I can keep breathing). So, I side stroked it and was surprised at how well I did. I only went to a community pool once before this triathalon to see if I could actually swim long enough.

I'm a runner, so that was the only piece I was relatively confident about but I was fine with the bike and really like the idea of an indoor triathalon because I don't have to worry about anything happening to my road bike.

I felt good about all off my distances seeing that I have not specifically trained for this type of race. I felt strong because of all the strength classes and power yoga classes, as well as running I have been doing so I wasn't too terrified.

Anyways, at the end of the race what I learned is that the transitions were tough and I need to train for that with my next triathalon. I am sure my numbers will be better because now I have a better handle on how the machines work and how distance is calculated in on the bike and will do better next time,

I am happy my friend said she would do her first one with me. Our first triathalon that was a first for both of us. I do plan to do another one of these next year. These are held by Lifetime Fitness Clubs and they are held in many of the LTF locations across the nation.


  1. Well done! I would love to try triathlon as i love swimming as well as running, but the bike bit puts me off! I think I'd feel better if it was indoors too.

  2. That is so awesome - congrats! I've always wanted to do a tri but have never actually signed up for one.

  3. Good job! Such an accomplishment!
