
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Try It Tuesday: Toilet Paper Tube Turkeys

This was a fun project to make with my kids and I loved the conversations that stemmed from making this together. I did the writing for my son, but my daughter filled out her own feathers of items they were thankful for.


  1. These are very cute. I need to start saving TP tubes!

  2. These are very cute. I need to start saving TP tubes!

  3. We have made something really similar in the past! That was a few years ago so I think it is time to do it again! Thanks for sharing!

  4. How fun - what a great way to make something easy and recycle when you're doing it. Would be great for the classroom!

  5. This is so great! And i actually have a ton of toilet paper rolls that I was trying to make something from & never got around to it.

  6. I love posts like this. I'm not super crafty but this inspires me!
