
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Easy Kids Felt Bow Tie

I thought this turned out so cute! My son has been asking me for weeks if I could make him a bow tie to wear instead the ties that came with his dressy outfits. I finally made one for him when it was a "dress-up" day for Homecoming week at school.

It was really easy to make and requires very minimal sewing (no sewing machine needed!). Pictured above is all the supplies I had that includes a piece of felt, which you can usually buy on sale for 4/$1, thread, a needle, scissors, and sticky-back velcro (which you only need the rough side of.)

To start out with, I cut 2 rectangles to the desired size, then pinched them together in the center and ran thread through the folds in the center and wrapped it around the center next.

Next, I cut 2 strips of felt that would reach around his neck and a small rectangular piece that I wrapped around the center and stitched in to place. I stitched the 2 long neck pieces together in the center and stitched them to the bow. Then I wrapped the small rectangular pieces around the center so that the spot for the ends meet were in the back of the bow and them stitched it to the bow tie.

Lastly, I took a piece of  sticky-back velcro (just the rough side is needed since it will stick to the felt just fine, but go ahead and use both sides if you want) and pressed it in to place where I wanted the ends to meet and them just trimmed the excess felt from the ends.

This only took me about 10 minutes to make, which included gathering the supplies from my craft room. This would make such a cute little bow for the holiday season. My son is requesting a striped tie next, so I am going to have to think about how I will make that, it might include some hand painted stripes on the bow tie using fabric paint.


  1. How cute! We're going to a wedding this weekend - I might try to whip this up for my son to wear!

  2. How adorable and looks pretty simple to make, I may even be able to do it!!

  3. I love how simple this is to make. My boys will love this.

  4. How cute is that!! and such a simple craft. I love this. This is something my son and nephews would love to make.
