
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Make It Monday: Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches

These efforts are the result of my desire to have breakfasts on hand that were hot and easy to make for the kids when we are try to rush around in the morning. Not one of us in our family likes to get up any earlier than we have to or our body wants to, so that means we don't have a lot of time to make a hot breakfast. But with a little preparation ahead of time I can package up

Ingredients Needed: 

  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 2 bags of English Muffins (total of 12 needed)
  • 12 slices of cheese
  • 12 slices of ham or bacon

To bake eggs in the oven, just cook them in lightly coated muffin cups for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. It's an easy way to make 12 over hard (even though the yolk doesn't look cooked in the picture it is solid) all at once.

The only thing you need to cook in advance is the eggs.

The next step is to assemble. I laid out pieces of plastic wrap on the kitchen table and did a sort of assembly line of putting together my sandwiches. Wrap them all up and place in a gallon freezer bag. Microwave each individually as needed.

Some tips for microwaving these:

  • Giving you an exact time is hard with microwaves because each are different.
  • We take off the cheese and heat the sandwich for 1 1/2 minutes at 50% power and then put the cheese on it and heat for 10 more seconds.


  1. What a great idea! I love how quick and easy it is. I am also one who never eats breakfast because I never have time to make anything.

  2. That is a really good idea! I love how much time it would save in the mornings!

  3. Perfect for the holiday Monday tomorrow. I'm glad I found it tonight!

  4. What a great way to have a good tasting meal ready to go! I'll have to make these for my son. He'll love having a stash of these tasty breakfast sandwiches!

  5. Those look so delicious! I love breakfast sandwiches.

  6. Great time saver for the morning rush.
