
Monday, May 23, 2016

Easy Patriotic Non-Alcoholic Drink

I have to admit, this was what I came up with AFTER a pinterest fail. I was trying that drink where you use Gatorade and Hawaiian Punch and Diet Sprite. I failed so many times with that one. I read about tips and making sure that you have a big enough difference between sugar contents (most sugar on the bottom) and adding ice at different times. Mostly I got purple drinks and one time I kept 2 colors separate, that's it. It was time to come up with something easier with what I had on hand.

Carbonated clear water or soda

I decided to layer ice in between the fruits to keep the separate, So, ice on the bottom, then strawberries, then more ice, then blueberries. Pour you clear carbonated beverage over the top.

Simple and easy and a little snack too!

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