
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Where Did We Go Wednesday? To Canterbury Park

I have decided to change up my Wordless Wednesday and call it "Where Did We Go Wednesday?" I used to do Wordless Wednesday because I participated in WW blog hops, but I just don't have time for that anymore, but I still do want to share some of the pretty cool field trips and outings we go on, so it's time for a change, Change is good, right?!?!?!

What you will notice is that I might add some more text to these posts instead of just a link to the location and leaving the post virtually wordless.

So, here it goes. Recently we went to Canterbury Park. It was our 2nd time there ever and our first time this year. We went there specifically on this particular race day to see the weiner dog races. Can't you just imagine how adorable and hilarious that was. It really was. They also had the other family day events going on including pony rides, face painting, petting zoo and photo ops. It was a fun time and we also watched the horse races too.

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