
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

No Carve Jack-O-Lantern Ideas

These are simple ideas to "save" your pumpkin from carving. Maybe you want to bake it as well as have a jack-o-lantern (you can bake and eat a carving pumpkin but they are not as sweet and are stringier than a pie pumpkin, but if you are going to puree it, does it really matter?)

For the eye ball one I just used a dab of Elmer's glue on the back of each one and stuck it in to place and used up a packet of google eyes from the dollar store to make this.

The second one is also from the dollar store. They sell little jack-o-lantern kits (like the ones I used on our Halloween Pop Bottles) and usually there are 2-3 in each packet.

And finally, I save 2 large googly eyes from the packet to use for this one. I wrapped my pumpkin in toilet paper and used clear packing tape to keep it in place and applied tape periodically as I wrapped it and finally just glued the googly eyes to the toilet paper.

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