
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thrifty Thursday : Egg Carton Preschool Snack Game

 I first came up with the idea to do this when my daughter was a toddler and I did preschool-at-home with her. When you stay home with your kids, everything can be an opportunity to teach them something.

So, before you recycle your egg carton let it serve as a counting container for snack time. The idea is simple, just label the inside with the number 1-12. Then fill each one with that number of items. For example: 11 raisins in the spot labeled 11 and 2 mini rice cakes in the spot labeled 2. The dump all the snack in a bowl and have your child sort them by like items. Next ask your child to count how many there is of each like item and them put them in the labeled spot that has the matching number.

Once they are done sorting & counting, they can dig in.

This little idea cost you no additional money but help teach your kids sorting and counting.

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