
Saturday, December 22, 2012

12 Gifts of Christmas: Handmade Jewelry

Designing jewelry can be so much fun. And there are so many bead choices and the combinations are endless. My daughter and I could spend hours in the bead section at Michaels picking out beads.

These are all pieces that I made for friends (well, except one pair I made for myself, but the other 5 pairs are gifts.)

And I made these for myself as well. I thought they looked nice with my new Christmas sweater.

This a whole collection of stuff that my daughter and I made. The blue set of bracelet & earrings are some beads she picked out  but didn't know I bought, so I will be surprising her with that set for Christmas and also made her the colored pearl one at the top which I made myself a matching one. 

The two pink sets are very similar are one my daughter helped me make for the grandmas (sorry grandmas if I have just ruined the surprise.)

The hoop earrings at the top are ones that my daughter made for her first grade teacher. Her friend (in a different first grade classroom) was here for a sleepover and I let her make her own pair for a Christmas present for her teacher.

These are some earrings that my daughter made for one of our babysitters. I let her have choice of my beads and she will put them on posts & hoops, I just do the finishing touches of twisting the metal. She  has made several pairs of earrings since her first pair last spring for gifts for her friends, teachers, babysitters, grandmas and herself.

I have to chuckle a little at one of these pairs. My daughter made both of them and the one with the pearls and gold beads is for our other babysitter. She made the earrings for our babysitters a week apart and didn't realize that they are very similar. The other pair of earrings she made for a friend for a Christmas present.

Would you want to win these?

And finally, these pair I made but didn't have anyone in mind. I am thinking about a giveaway, maybe pair these earrings with a melted flower headband (which I have to make yet). I think maybe a giveaway for Valentine's Day would be a good one for this combo.


  1. I love mine! and i want to win the pink ones! You have turned me into a jewelry + shower kinda girl! it doesn't have to be either/or anymore!

  2. Indeed, making jewelry is so much fun. You will be amazed at how many things you can make with simple stuff. It is not how great your resources are but how you make use of the resources you have.

  3. Handmade Jewelry is now as increasingly popular as buying ready-made pieces on the high street. People tend to flock towards shops like Etsy and Folksy to find quirky, handmade pieces, knowing that there probably won’t be many other people wearing that same piece as them which makes it feel exclusive.
