
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Melted Snowman Cookies

Aren't these just the most adorable things you have ever seen? They are pretty simple to create as well. You start with your favorite sugar cookie recipe and make round sugar cookies. I made my sugar cookie dough into a log inside some freezer paper and placed the log of dough in the refrigerator to chill, then just cut circles. To make it even simpler, buy a pre-made log of sugar cookie dough.

Then bake as directed and cool completely. When cooled, make my The Best Royal Icing Recipe and place a dollop of icing in the center of the cookie and spread around. No need to spread it perfectly as it looks more like a melted snowman if you do not fill it in evenly.

Next, top it with 1/2 of a regular sized marshmallow that you drew on a face with decorating gels or edible markers prior to placing it on the icing. Finally using decorator icing, draw on some twig arms and buttons. Allow the icing to set and enjoy!

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