
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Review: Braun Forehead Thermometer

UPDATED 1/7/14

We tried it out on my daughter as well. She's not ill, but she wanted to see what out new thermometer was like and find out how to use it. I did it on her and showed her what buttons to press, but now she can very quickly take her own temperature. Although, as a mom we know if our child is active enough to want to take their own temperature they are probably just playing around and if they were really sick they would want us to take care of them and do it for them. Or, maybe that is just my kids. :)

I am reviewing Braun Forehead Thermometer  for Influenster. They sent me the product to try and let my readers know what I think. All thoughts and opinions, photos and video are my own.

I am in love with that it takes just a mere seconds to swipe across the forehead and get results. It's quick and no invasive. You should be able to to a quick temperature on a wiggly toddler without too much work, and it would be great to take a temperature on a sleeping baby. Not only does it tell you the temperature, but it also glows a color depending how warm the temperature is to give you guidance. As of the date of this review, we have not had a fever in the house, so I have not been able to see it be any color other than green, but I think it would come in handy for parents who were unsure just exactly what a temperature meant.

The product comes with a protective cover for the ends and comes with AAA batteries. I love that it comes with the batteries because the last thing you want if you are buying this product is to have to run back to the store to buy them. I love that it is AAA batteries too. Most households have AAA batteries on hand (or could borrow them from some other item if need be), so it is convenient to replace the batteries.

Here is a little video of me showing just how quick it works!

No monetary compensation was received for this post.


  1. Very cool! I lose thermometers (like everything in my house) like nobody's business. I would love a big thermometer like this one because I would be more conscious about putting it in its "place!"

    Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Oh wow! I have been eyeing this one but was hesitant on whether it would really work or not. Thank you!

  3. We have a forehead thermometer as well, but it's not as fancy as this! Ours is kind of wishy washy and it takes 4 times to get an accurate temperature sometimes. This one looks good!

  4. I haven't seen these we have a strip --it works--but this is interesting I dont think I would misplace this-- thanks
