
Monday, January 6, 2014

Review: EBOOST Natural Energy Booster

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I was pretty excited to get to try these EBOOST shots in the Super Berry Shot, as well as the Acai Pomegranate packet that you add to water and create a full size drink. My first experience with EBOOST was over 7 years ago when my daughter was born. One of my brother-in-laws came to visit us when she was born and brought me a little care package that included several packets of the Natural Orange packet. I thought it was amazing then. Just what a new mom needs! Something to help boost her immune system and give her energy!

This was the first time trying the shots and I REALLY like these Super Berry Shots. They taste good. I have had other energy shots before that taste sour or leave an aftertaste in your mouth, EBOOST energy shots are not like that. They do contain caffiene, but it is from it naturally occurring in Green Tea and Green Coffee Bean Extract. They are sweetened, but with stevia. They do not contain any artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

I have taken all of these when I am starting to feel that mid-day crash and have an early evening workout planned for that day. It gave me the energy that I needed and didn't keep me up late. I was very happy with these and will use them when I have the opportunity.

FYI - If you are thinking about entering the Spartan Race, they are the official sponsor and have a 25% Off Coupon Code for the race on their blog post on December 13, 2013

Find out more information about EBOOST online:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. These sound great for a mom who wants to start exercising more (AKA Me!). Been looking for something without caffeine.

  2. I love the idea of it being natural. this cold weather makes me want to just cuddle in bed and do nothing;)

  3. I could use this right now, I am so low on energy from lack of light combined with having a cold. I love that it is natural.

  4. I need these. With two little ones that take turns getting me up all through the night, I forget what its like to have energy lol. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This product sounds great for someone like myself. I have 5 kiddos and always seem to be tired all the time. I will have to check these out! Thanks for sharing. =)

  6. I like that they don't have artificial sweeteners. Thanks for letting us know about this product.

  7. These sound great to use before running. Then I could run for a longer time.
