
Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Shout Out to My Mom!

Getting an early start on wishing my mom a Happy Birthday!

Why? Well, I got the opportunity to sponsor a video of Ricky Martin singing Happy Birthday as part of a new advertising program for The American Cancer Society. Guess I should buy her a nice birthday present with the gift certificate I earn. :)

If you like some of my projects on here, then you should check out her blog too. Her blog is called Tru Tales and Feats. She also does a lot of posts on the projects she has up-cycled, crafts she has made, and food she has made. I imagine that right after Christmas she will have quite a few posts as right now she is busy making Christmas presents for our family and you can't quite share all those creations in advance of the holiday without ruining the surprise. So, as you can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (even though I would protest this with all my might during my teenage years.)

So, watch this Happy Birthday video, and then when it is her real birthday be sure to give her a shout out on her Facebook wall or comment on a blog post.

Thought I would just link up to a few things she has created as gifts for us that you might like to check out:
* Crocheted Slippers (I am wearing these now as I type)
* Train/Activity Table
* Crocheted Ribbon Necklace

This post is sponsored by American Cancer Society.

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