
Friday, December 9, 2011

USPS Goes Greener!

So, I stopped at the post office to pick up stamps for Christmas cards (yes, I know I could email Christmas cards to save money and reduce consumtion of paper products, but my honest opinion of e-cards for Christmas is that they are so less personal. I like that even though someone just signed their name and mailed a card, they took the time to buy the cards, sign them, stamp them, address them & maybe put in a picture - btw: love getting pictures!) and noticed a poster saying "Buy Go Green Stamps Today".

I love how they said "Put Your Stamp on a Greener Tomorrow", because it gives you the idea that is a work in progress. Isn't life just a work in progress?

There are 16 stamps in a booklet and each of the stamps has a different tip for Going Green. And they are all simple & basic steps to going green. They include:fixing water leaks, turn off lights not in use, compost, ride a bike, recycle more, plant homes, plus 10 more.

They had a little hangout (just a mini-version of the poster) that also listed the ways they were growing greener that included selling eco-friendly packagin, being the first federal agency to publicly report greenhouse gas emissions & obtain third-party verification, and reducing it's facility energy intensity more than 28% since 2003.

I do find it ironic that they printed up and these posters and pamphlets to advertise that they were going greener, but at least they have the FSC stamp on it that they paper is from responsible sources.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the tip! I am going to get some of these stamps! :)
