
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monsters Inc. Pancakes

Just a sneak preview of a theme that will be occurring in several posts over the next 10 days and that is Monsters. This past week, our preschool-at-home theme was Monsters and I ended the week with making Monsters Inc. pancakes, or at least my best attempt at them. To make Mike I just put some green food coloring in some batter I took out and decorated in whipped cream, blue sugar sprinkles and chocolate chips. My less impressive Sully is a different kind of blue sprinkles (I was trying to make him look fuzzy, hindsight I would have done blue batter with the sprinkles) and chocolate chips eyes. Come back Tuesday and I will share a Monster craft with you! I promise it looks much better than my Sully pancake. LOL!


  1. I love this idea! It's so hard to get my kids excited about breakfast - this just might work!

  2. What a great idea, especially for Halloween.

  3. My kids love MOnster's Inc!
