
Friday, February 21, 2014

Fitness Friday: My First Virtual Race

Image Credit: Jane Theriault

Here we go! Some thing to check off my
2014 Fitness Goals list (this wasn't on their specifically, but I planned to add more races to my goals.) I have completed a Virtual 5K! I did it on the treadmill because it was below zero all morning on the day I decided to complete it.

I remember when I said I wouldn't run outside if it was below freezing, but then last year I was training for my first half marathon and needed to go outside and amended my training minimum temperature to above zero, so being that it was -17 when I brought my daughter to school and -4 when I was ready to run, the treadmill was the desired place.

I don't always like running on my treadmill because my body feels like it is
making me run significantly faster than what it says. And then when I get outside and run with the same feeling in my body I end up with a much faster time, which makes me smile. So, my time here isn't my best, but just happy to be under 30min for a 5K. Guess I need to work back up to a sub-9min/mi.

Anyways, a little bit about the race. It was put on by a fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador, Jane Theriault . She is running to raise money for the Annual Fund at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston as a benefactor for her 2014 Boston Marathon fundraising. This virtual 5K is one of the ways she is raising money.

Image Credit: Jane Theriault

Next up on the goals list is to find a fun race that my daughter and I can do together. We have done shorter ones, like 1 mile, but now she has agreed to do a 5K with me. She really wants to do the Color Run like I did before, but I think I might find something a little different. I didn't care for trying to get all that color out of my blond hair and white skin last time, as it kinda stains.


  1. What a great idea! I have never heard of a virtual race, but it's a great idea for people who don't have many friends to run with (like me!)

  2. I love the idea of a virtual race...that seems more gentle of a race than trying to compete with everyone around you!

  3. A mother daughter race sounds so fun! Good for you for staying in shape and getting you runs in even in subzero temps!

  4. I'm not much of a runner--but indoors in -17 is a MUST!!

  5. That is pretty cool. I could never run in the cold.

  6. I feel the same way about running on the treadmill. It always says I'm going so slow which makes me feel defeated because when I run outside I know that I run much faster. Have you heard of ElectroDash? I'm not sure if they are in your area but there a neon party night race. That might be fun to take a kid to. I'm going to check it out this year. I'm also going to try one of those color races and hope to bring my girls.

  7. Wow. You are much more motivated then I. Good for you! Never heard of a virtual run but it does sound like a great idea to raise funds for an organization. Good luck!

  8. I love running races with my boys. We ran our first 5K together when they were 5. It's not for a PR, but the most fun I'll ever have in a race.

  9. Hey CONGRATS on that virtual 5k!! That's awesome, you totally inspire me! It's been super cold here too (Chicago) and I am SO ready to be able to get back outside. Hey if you get a chance, you should link up this post to my Fitness Friday so others can visit you!

  10. Congratulations for keeping up with your goal and doing a virtual race is a nice idea to keep yourself motivated.

  11. Congrats on conquering the virtual race! :)

  12. What a neat idea running a virtual race. I bet it was fun!
