
Monday, January 6, 2014

Make It Monday: Super Foods Salad

This clean eating recipe is absolutely delicious and will fill you up too! 

Super Foods Salad

1 C quinoa
2 C water
1 15 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 lb. frozen corn, thawed
1/2 C chopped cilantro
12 oz. bag frozen shrimp, thawed, tailed removed and chopped
1 avocado, chopped
juice of 1 lime
sea salt, to taste


  • Cook quinoa and water in a rice cooker. Allow to cool after.
  • Mix together all ingredients except lime and salt.
  • Squeeze lime juice over the top of stirred salad and add salt if desired and toss again.
  • Eat right away or allow to sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to blend the flavors.
  • Enjoy!


  1. I make something like this only with tofu not shrimp. Makes a delicious lunch!

  2. Oh wow! This looks like a full on fiber dish! Really healthy!

  3. This salad looks delish but I'll be honest, quinoa scares me. Why? I have no clue, could be that it's always been a difficult rice for me to cook.

  4. This looks so yummy. I love salads and I always have quinoa or couscous in my cabinet, so this is perfect. what an easy lunch or weeknight dinner. Thanks for sharing

  5. Chelle - do you have a rice cooker? I just make my quinoa in there and it comes out perfect every time and I don't have a fancy rice cooker, just one I think I paid about $20 for maybe 6-7 years ago.

  6. This looks like a great salad. The Hubs and I became pescatarians this year and we're looking for great non-meat meals!

  7. That looks really good. Have never tried quinoa before.

  8. Looks really good, I'd probably trade it out for rice though. Thanks for the recipe!

  9. For those who never tried quinoa, it's easy to work with and tastes great. It's definitely packed with more nutrition than rice (though I love rice too!). Thanks -- we're always looking for healthy, quick recipes. I've bookmarked this one to try -- once the deep freeze is over!

  10. I love quinoa. I am always looking for new ways to make it.

  11. This looks fantastic! I love the ingredients! Definitely adding it to my "want to try" list!

  12. super food indeed! I will include this on my food list :)
